Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Pain of Greatness

So, there I was putting up a scaffold tower to do some concrete repairs to an underside of a balcony, the scaffold went up quickly , safely and efficiantly.
I then proceeded to carry all the tools and materials to my location of work, and on the way i dropped a glove !!! Now this is not a major concern to most of us, and decided to pick it up on my way back to the van.
The event was getting closer, i could just imagine myself swiping it off the grass on my return.
The glove got closer in my sights, i slowed my walking momentum to a safe speed and......
Yes, Down I went like a big bag of offal.
when i came to, i were staring at the sky.

You Know, Back pain is a pain in the back, litterally.
My blessings to you all/

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

More Wisdom

Never Never take more than 10 items to the "10 items or less" till, IT'S NOT BIG AND IT'S NOT CLEVER....

When an item of your wardrobe says "DRY CLEAN ONLY" believe it.

Never tell a person who is experiencing sadness or sorrow,"I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL", YOU DON'T.

Think Twice before taking a job in an office with NO windows !!!

Never wear a dark coloured top when eating a sugared doughnut.

And finally for this fine evening,


More wisdom soon.

Such Wisdom !

Never laugh at anyone else's dreams.

Never let the phone interrupt important moments, It's there for YOUR convenience, not the caller.

Don't judge people by their relatives.

Never leave food unnatended on the stove.

Never be photographed with a cocktail glass in your hands !!

No time spent with your children is Ever wasted.

Trust in God, But lock your car.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Londons Burning

Have you ever wondered what fireman get up when their not saving cats, putting out fires, cutting people out of cars, putting out fires, pumping away flood water, putting out fires.???
Well I have first hand experience of these Scarlet pimpernels......

THEY DON'T DO MUCH OF ANYTHING REALLY, they stand around smoking, drinking tea, re-hashing the night before, the conquest they have had at nightclubs or in the pub.
They moan aboat the money they don't get, and generally complain about the boss.....

NOW on the other side of the burning fence, these extrordinary men and women do an amazing job.
Iv'e seen grown men crying, like Really crying, men comforting each other.
It's quite amazing, and i say god bless'em everywhere.

Besides their paid to do stuff I don't really like to think about much.....

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Abiscuit & a glass of milk

Well here they are, the images below are rather old pics of the Lizard and myself at an earlier age.
The first one was taken in 1970, so Lizard was about 5 1/2 years old, and the second one was around 1973 .
aaahhh look at the litter free pavement.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

No Excuse

Its 20:18 on the 5th july in the year of our lord 2007.
Im a little brother to a big sister, obviously, well when i say "little", i'm much taller (and a bit wider im sorry to say) but she will always be "My Big Sister" .
To me ,she is known simply by the name "LIZARD", this name come from our long distant past, al the way back to 1980 to be precise, we basically wrote this name into some wet concrete, and the name stuck, and so we saw it every year we went to holiday in this location.

Big sisters are important things to have around, and i recommend everyone to get one, you need to love them and put them away when you have finished playing with them...

Im new to blogging, so i hope this is a good Excuse for my very first entry.
