Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Pain of Greatness

So, there I was putting up a scaffold tower to do some concrete repairs to an underside of a balcony, the scaffold went up quickly , safely and efficiantly.
I then proceeded to carry all the tools and materials to my location of work, and on the way i dropped a glove !!! Now this is not a major concern to most of us, and decided to pick it up on my way back to the van.
The event was getting closer, i could just imagine myself swiping it off the grass on my return.
The glove got closer in my sights, i slowed my walking momentum to a safe speed and......
Yes, Down I went like a big bag of offal.
when i came to, i were staring at the sky.

You Know, Back pain is a pain in the back, litterally.
My blessings to you all/


Liz said...

Get an office job!

Liz said...

JUst ordered my copy of HP - Joe is away all week, so I should get it read before he gets back - hehe. Went fot the adult cover when given the option - guessing that's the one you are showing?

Fiona said...

Hope it's not giving you too much grief. Wishing you a pain free back soon.

Liz said...

Hey - got it, FINISHED IT!!

Joe said...

That made me laugh. However, whether I was just in a laughing mood and fancied a laugh or I dunno, but I actually started laughing when it said "I was putting up a scaffolding tower"! LOL!

Joe said...

I also enjoyed your profile. What are you, Superman?! It seems very likely.